Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We tried to eat breakfast at The Waffle House this morning, but they were opening late due to being lame. So we had some McDonalds instead and then started on our journey to Sandringham.

First there was a train to Ely, then a train to King's Lynn, and then a bus to Sandringham Estate. This is a home that belongs to the Queen and is where she lives for part of the year. When she isn't there, parts of the house are set up for public viewing. We also walked through a museum that had a bunch of gifts given to the royal family, taxidermied animal heads, and old cars. I especially liked the child sized cars they had. Much fancier than my Barbie Jeep.

Once we finally got back to Norwich we went to The Waffle House for dinner. Now we are all worn out!

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