Sunday, May 31, 2009


I wore a t-shirt outside today!

It's going to be a real shock when I get back to Georgia and it's hot.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


An added bonus of meeting Rachel and Paul was that Paul decided to buy some of our stuff. This is very exciting because we don't have to go through the effort of selling it on ebay. He picked everything up last night. We weren't sure how we would adjust to losing the TV, but it's been okay because now John gets to show me all those movies he's always downloading and I never want to watch. The computer screen is a little smaller, but the company is good.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Perpetual Motion

I'm still trying to work on my running. I seriously lost some ground from all our vacations and, you know, having to share my blood flow and oxygen with another person. I had gotten up to three miles and now I'm back down to one. I was determined to run two miles this morning (this although I am now without an ipod since the iphone got sold and I thoughtlessly left my old ipod in Georgia). Yeah, I didn't run two miles. But it was such a nice day out and I was feeling good, so I ran the first mile and alternated walking and running on the second one. It's something.

John fixed our shower a while ago. Did I mention that? It was sort of anticlimactic since it needed cleaning to be really useable and we didn't clean it right away. But it is fully functional now and John wanted the downstairs bathroom cleaned and out of use so that it is one part of the flat we don't have to worry about. Well, I cleaned that bathroom today. Funny how much dirtier it gets when we use it all the time. There weren't any spider incidents.

Then I packed all my books in one suitcase. But John is undecided on whether we will actually take our books on the plane with us or ship them, so I might be repacking later. Still, they are off the shelf so it sort of seems like I've accomplished something.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Learning Experience

I spent most of the day working on another job application. It took me twice as long as it should have because after I filled in the PDF the first time I tried to save it. Turns out, saving a PDF clears the form. Everything I had typed disappeared and I had to do it again.

I did take a break to have lunch with John and some of his students. He wanted to give them advice and guidance before they head to the US in a few weeks. He's such a good guy. :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

National Family Week

I was at the library all day today for National Family Week. In the morning I shared my power point presentation with some children in the Memorial Library. Then they looked around the Memorial Library at the displays and some memorabilia that the staff had put out. After that they went into the children's area to make paper airplanes and color assembly ships.

I had lunch at a restaurant by myself, which I don't usually do since there is a coffee shop in the Forum, but I could smell the pizza upstairs and it was too tempting. I got some good reading in.

In the afternoon I helped out with a special story time session. Another guest was there with Charlie the Crocodile talking about keeping your teeth clean. So we heard from Charlie and then we took turns reading books about teeth. Afterwords the children had some coloring and activity sheets to work on.

Everyone seemed aware that they probably wouldn't see me again and they were very appreciative of my volunteer work. All I can say is they helped me stay sane by giving me something to do! Not only that, but I do feel that some of the work I have done has helped me grow as a librarian and as a person. I was a very timid traveler, but no more after all my train and bus trips to various parts of Norfolk. And I've really enjoyed working more with school children, even if the boys are a little breast-obsessed. Finally, lets not forget that these experiences have given me lots of stories to tell!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


In an earlier time, physicians believed that hysteria was caused by the womb moving around the body trying to take moisture from other organs (thus the alternate name, wandering womb disease). Women were thought to be naturally dry, which is why they were always trying to steal moisture from men. ;)

I'd say this theory no longer holds much water, but I have learned something rather interesting recently. When you are pregnant, your womb does move higher in your body, not to look for moisture, but actually because at some point the baby won't fit in the pelvis. Maybe this is more than you wanted to know, but I say it all by way of explaining my hysteria.

Meet the newest Nelson:

It looks like John and I will be returning from England with a rather permanent souvenir.

Monday, May 25, 2009

In Real Life

So, I met an internet friend IRL!!!

Doesn't happen that often. Anyway, Rachel was in town, so John and I met up with her and her young man, Paul at a pub in the city center. Two of their friends showed up after a little while as well. It was nice to get out and spend time in the lovely sun talking and eating.

Then back at home there were more forms and job applications waiting for me. But I shouldn't complain. Once I've applied for all the jobs that are more or less in my field all I'll be able to do is wait to hear from them and start thinking of a backup plan.

Hey, I've got an idea. What jobs do you think I should apply for? Barista? Secretary? Waffle House cook?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Back to Work

Now that our guests have left it is time for me and John to get down to the business of wrapping up affairs here and making plans for life back in Georgia.

I spent most of today applying for one job. This is because it was a government job and therefore the application was very complicated. And I probably won't get it. Not being defeatist, just realizing how little I understood some of the eligibility requirements. But, now that my resume is on USA Jobs I can apply for more of these complicated jobs without spending quite so much time.

I also joined Linked In, on the request of someone connected with the Ed S program at UGA. This also took some time, but since it's a professional social networking site maybe just maybe it will help with the job search. I noticed that NONE of the storytelling groups I belong to are on Linked In, so maybe there is a little project for me here that will get me a name in said storytelling groups.

Forecast for tomorrow: more work, with some fun times thrown in!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

London Trip

John and I arrived in London, chilled out at our hotel for a little while, then had dinner with Sarah, Jesse, and Barin (friend of Sarah's who is studying at the London School of Economics).

Stonehenge. Fatality of the train tracks that held up the trains for about an hour. Oxford. Back to London to see Barin's flat.

Back home and worn out. It was great seeing people and having more adventures around England. But I think my next "vacation" is going to be a day spent sleeping on the beach. Lots of sun and no walking.

Hope Sarah and Jesse had a good flight home!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


No internet in London. I'll update y'all later!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I was a busy little bee today, applying for jobs and...

Yeah, that was mostly it. Applying for jobs. It just took all day.

Seriously, does anyone need a librarian?

Anyway, John and I are meeting Sarah and Jesse in London tomorrow. Hooray!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We tried to eat breakfast at The Waffle House this morning, but they were opening late due to being lame. So we had some McDonalds instead and then started on our journey to Sandringham.

First there was a train to Ely, then a train to King's Lynn, and then a bus to Sandringham Estate. This is a home that belongs to the Queen and is where she lives for part of the year. When she isn't there, parts of the house are set up for public viewing. We also walked through a museum that had a bunch of gifts given to the royal family, taxidermied animal heads, and old cars. I especially liked the child sized cars they had. Much fancier than my Barbie Jeep.

Once we finally got back to Norwich we went to The Waffle House for dinner. Now we are all worn out!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Norwich Castle

I took Sarah and Jesse to the Norwich Castle this morning while John waited for the plumber. The plumber never came (bummer) and so John met us for the battlements tour and walking around town.

This evening we tried out the Romans game John and I bought at Hadrian's Wall. We discovered that the "long" version of the game is basically never ending, but we had fun playing it. The spirit of Julius Caesar was truly with me!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sarah and Jesse arrived in Norwich today after flying into London yesterday. Unfortunately there was a small mix-up with the train schedule because of weekend rail work. So, John and I thought we were running late getting to the train station, but were actually very early. We ate lunch while we waited so it wasn't a big deal.

We gave them a preliminary tour of Norwich and tomorrow, more adventures!

To recent commenter Edward, and anyone else who may need to contact me off-blog, my e-mail address is Thanks for reading!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


As any day before guests arrives usually is, today was a cleaning day.

I started with the downstairs bathroom which was dirtier than usual because John and I have actually been using it regularly. (Our shower and bathroom sink are still clogged. A plumber is coming on Monday.)

There has been a spider living in that bathroom but he doesn't always come out of hiding. When he does though, watch out. He once dropped right into my face while I was trying to brush my teeth and although I generally don't mind spiders I do mind them suddenly appearing in my face. The spider made an appearance while I was cleaning and I decided to take the opportunity to relocate him since my sister-in-law does not like spiders. I caught him and dropped him out the window which was already open to lower cleaning fumes. Several minutes later he caught a breeze and flew back into the bath tub. I removed him once again and this time I shut the window after he was out. Sorry Mr. Long Legs, but this is not the place for you!

After that I turned my office into a bedroom, straightened up the living room and even swept the stairs. My sinuses are irritated and the flat is more or less presentable. Sounds like a typical day of cleaning.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Home Again

Well, John and I are back in Norwich for the final stretch. The next time we fly to Georgia it is to stay!

Our rental agency has started showing our apartment to potential renters. I'm all for this since we can get out of our lease a few days early if someone else wants to move in. But I've never lived in a place that was being shown before. Apparently some people came by when we were out of town, and another trio showed up today. The agency doesn't seem to care that we haven't done anything to prepare for these showings but I do feel a little bad that our flat isn't as neat as it could be. Good thing Sarah and Jesse's visit is forcing me to really clean.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


John and I traveled to Georgia! When Amanda found out we would be living in England this year she complained, "You're always out of the country when I graduate." I was indeed studying abroad in Rome when she graduated from high school and would presumably be in England on May 9th, 2009 when she graduated from college. But I decided that even though we are moving back to Georgia very soon I would come for a short visit to surprise her and see her stand up with the rest of the College of Arts and Sciences to move her tassel.

Rather fortuitously, I am also here for Mother's Day. Thanks for birthin' me, Mom!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


John turned in his paper so he is done with his second semester! Now he just has to write his thesis and he'll be LLM-ed! We are doing some more traveling to celebrate so we may be radio silent for a couple of days.

Oh, and UGA asked me if I wanted to move up the Specialist degree in Education for School Library Media and I said yes! I got into a competitive program without even applying to it. And without having any previous Education degrees. Anyway, with a little extra work this will successfully get me certified to be a Media Specialist in Georgia and may even bump me to a higher pay scale.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May Fayre

The Internet fixed itself sometime during the night. Is there an emoticon for rolling your eyes?

I told stories at the Itteringham May Fayre yesterday. I had a little tent and two sessions during the day. Luckily, Libby had brought books from the library because the kids ended up being teeny tiny. The best part of the day was when a little boy came running up to me several minutes after he and his family had listened to some stories and said "Can I hear another story?" I let him pick out a book and he had a good time pointing to the pictures he really liked.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Monday, May 4, 2009


I broke the Internet. Somehow. Updates tomorrow!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


So John is still working on his paper(s?) leaving me alone all day to try and entertain myself. His ploy has worked because I decided to try and mow the lawn.

Factors working against me:
Floppy British grass
Very long grass that was neglected all winter
Our crappy man(or, in this case, woman)-powered push mower
The dull blades on said mower

I managed to sort of cut almost half of it (remember our garden is not that large) before I had to give up due to exhaustion and frustrations. The biggest problem was that clumps of grass would get caught in the mower and the blades would stop turning. I would pull out the grass clumps only to catch more on the next push of the mower. Either John will have to do the rest or I'll attack it little by little over the next few days.

While I was outside I noticed pieces of John's hair from when I cut it back before our road trip. I guess neither the winds nor the birds wanted it. At least I did a better job cutting John's hair than I did cutting the lawn (John had better agree, or else!).

Saturday, May 2, 2009


I had a dream last night that I was hanging out with Amanda and I saw two praying mantises. At first I was like, "Hey, there are two praying mantises. Cool." But then one of them tried to attack me. I caught it gently and we tried to put it into a bag. It got out. I think we put it into a box the second time. Basically it kept escaping but I didn't want to kill it and I couldn't ignore it because it really was coming after me. So we just kept trying. I think we were going to try and take both mantises outside but then I woke up. Strange.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I realized this morning that I was happy.

Not that I am generally an unhappy person or that I have been unhappy recently. But I do have a problem with focusing on the present and noticing that right now, in this moment, I am happy. This morning, I noticed. I was happy just hanging out in the flat, going for a run, getting ready for my day. Happy. So I sang in the shower. Which made me even happier!