Friday, March 13, 2009

On Our Own Again

It was sad to see our first over-seas visitor go, but Danny is on to more adventures in London.

To fill the void I started a new blog. Am I turning into a blogoholic?

The truth is that this blog has shown me that daily blogging is good for me and I've been contemplating what to do when I am no longer the "American librarian in Norwich, England." Blogging so frequently when I am in the inherently interesting situation of living in a foreign country has not been easy. What would I talk about once I move home? So I decided to make my post-Norwich blog on a topic I feel I could speak on endlessly (who would have guessed that topic was not myself?): the spoken word.

Anyway, the new blog was meant to start after I came home from Norwich, but I have so many ideas now that I don't want to lose. And I find many opportunities here to talk about sound and sense that I don't want to pass up. Please check it out if the topic interests you. If not, you can keep reading about my Norwich adventures right here for a few more months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey!you have a follower! mumsie