Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Georgia Download Destination

I am sorry to say that all the audio book suggestions I got are books that are not available in mp3 format on Georgia Download Destination. I will keep your suggestions for some future time when I have more access to audio books.

I have to say that it is great that I can get audio books with my PINES card even though I'm all the way over here in Norwich. But, user needs are not truly being met. The vast majority of the books are not available in a format that will allow you to put them on an ipod. And the vast majority of the books that will work on an ipod are checked out. Because the vast majority of GDD users have ipods.

I know, I know. It's not GDD's fault. The people who hold the rights for the books decide which formats they want the books to be available in. And many of these people are wary of Apple because Apple makes it harder to keep people from stealing stuff.

And this seems to be true. Books downloaded from GDD are supposed to automatically delete themselves from your computer after 7 days. I have an Apple and the book did not delete itslef. When I downloaded a new book, I got a message notifying me that I should delete the old book (and I did).

So I guess, if you allow your book to be downloaded by ipod users they might be able to keep it indefinately. But if you don't, you've very likely created an audio book that no one will listen to.

The first book I checked out from GDD was Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned by Walter Mosley. Yeah, I got it just because the main character is named Socrates. Pretty good. I wonder if there are comparative lit classes out there reading this along side Plato's Socratic dialogues.

Now I'm listenting to Treasure Island becuase I haven't read it in a long time, it's fun, and out of five pages of "classics" it was one of only three books that were checked in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

surely there's a story out there with Mittens as the main character, or Shirley. mumsie