a) I left with an arm full of children's books (and a list of young adult books) to read.
b) I am now scheduled to go to all kinds of book discussion groups.
c) I may be able to get paid for some of the things I will be doing.
d) Having an American children's librarian about seems to be making people very happy. And I like when being myself makes people happy.
The day's other accomplishments included getting a cell phone for John (so we can actually talk to each other when neither of us is at home), picking out bicycles that will be fully fitted with racks and baskets and ready to be picked up on Saturday, and starting me down the road to being the next great American folk singer (never mind that I can't sing):
I know what you're thinking.
"Is that a guitar?"
Yes, yes it is. While I am in England I will learn to play guitar. Pianos don't travel well.
"But, it looks kind of small."
It is. I am a small person. I like that my arm doesn't fall asleep while I'm practicing.
"But....it's purple."
I know, and I love it!
I love it too!!!
so many good things happening! people loving you for being you - it don't get any better than that! Now, can you strum "My dog has fleas" during the next call home?
How awesome is that? I'll tell you: Totally!
I'm so happy that you're enjoying the library gig and that it's working out so well. When you guys get back, though, can you work on our garden? And I love the purple guitar! It's very you. :) We miss you!!
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