Thursday, March 12, 2009

Alright Yarmouth

After exhausting the most exciting parts of Norwich, I took Danny to Great Yarmouth today. He wanted to see a British coast.

So we went down to the beach and then looked for a museum to go through. I saw on the city website that they have several museums. But the website didn't exactly draw to my attention the fact that not all the museums are open in the winter.

We finally happened upon the Time and Tide museum, which was open. There we learned all about herring, and life in a coastal town.

When we stopped for chips we discovered that the pigeon mafia has nothing on the sea gull mafia. A bunch of pigeons were gathered around a child who was dropping chips on the ground. One of the sea gulls came down to investigate. Then he spread his wings out and honked loudly for his friends to come get some of these chips. They seemed to intimidate both the pigeons and the child.

1 comment:

Danny said...

Man, those seagulls were hardcore.